At All Document Solutions, we understand the importance of every customer interaction, and we are committed to providing a client-focused approach. We constantly strive for improvement by actively listening to our customers, gathering feedback, conducting surveys, and measuring overall satisfaction. Our goal is to deliver solutions that truly meet your needs and exceed your expectations.

Let us share with you one of our success stories - Jaya Apparel Group.

They were facing challenges with cumbersome paper-based processes that made it difficult to retrieve crucial information and handle customer claims effectively.

They needed a Document Management System to improve their workflow and a place to store scanned documents.  And the system needed to be integrated with their ERP.

We were able to help and go beyond.

With our comprehensive system in place:

➡️ They experienced significant increases in efficiency, eliminating double data entries and freeing up their employees to focus on more valuable tasks.

➡️ They seamlessly processed electronic orders and stored information in a secure digital repository, allowing for easy retrieval and quick research on receivable payment discrepancies.

➡️ They alleviated the strain on their Exchange server, enabling their IT team to tackle other critical tasks with ease.

➡️ They were able to easily index data, manage handwritten PO’s, and communicate with their ERP.  

Our Solution in Detail

Jaya Apparel Group’s new paper less processes closely mimicked their paper-based processes, reducing learning curves and increasing user adoption. For example, when the customer service department prepares a proforma invoice for a customer, it is electronically sent to both the customer and credit department for approval and release.  Electronic stamps route the document through the process, moving the document from one employee’s virtual inbox to the next inbox until the process is complete and the document is archived. By using electronic filing, the company has a searchable, permanent record of every transaction. Internal and external audits can be conducted with ease by giving the auditor access rights to the files. The best part is that no time needs to be set aside to pull requested documents. With digital workflows in place, management was able to identify hidden bottlenecks and gain valuable insight into the backlog of unprocessed transactions. After simple adjustments to their processing queues, work efficiencies were immediately realized.

You can find out more about Jaya Apparel’s Solution at Support

Contact us to learn more about how we can tailor our solutions to meet your unique business needs and achieve similar success. Visit to schedule a call! You may even qualify for a free scanner to get you started.